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Hi @Survivor-77 , 


I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling like you've lost that sense of connection with your husband- it can feel really lonely when you're in a relationship with someone, but don't feel like you're truly connecting. I think a lot of people here could relate to that.. do you mind if  I ask how long you've been married for? You mention he's always been an introvert - do you feel like you used to communicate more in the past? 


We have an article here all about what to do when you're feeling lonely in your relationship , and I'm wondering if some of that may resonate with you- I also really like the work that a guy called John Gottman has done about relationsihps and especially looking at what makes long term relationships work - if you're someone who enjoys TED talks, I think this one was really great. 


We're really glad you found this community, it's a safe space to chat about the different things that are happening in your life and I hope you find it helpful - we are all here to listen 💛



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