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This is such a hard position to be in @Brian6787 I can tell you care about your uncle, so I can imagine this is really upsetting for you. Nobody deserves to live with someone who is constantly putting them down


I think it's still worth mentioning that lots of people are having similar tensions about covid with family/friends. Most people I speak to are finding it really challenging, so you're definitely not alone.


I'm not sure if this is your thing but I found this article on "How to manage relationship tensions during covid"  it might give you some ideas for how to approach things with your uncle. 


You said that you worry that something will happen to your uncle and I just want to acknowledge how difficult that would be for you to sit with. Can I ask if you ever speak to anyone about this stuff? 


I understand how stressful it can be to find someone who takes the time to really build your confidence as a driver, it's also really important to feel safe.


I've found that I need a lot of support with driving and when I was learning that meant finding a school tailored to learners with different needs. I went to a driving school for people with anxiety and it really helped - could be something to look into if you think it would help 😊


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