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Casual scribe

TW (Eating Disorders): Hey


I made my account so that I could try and find out how to help my girlfriend, who has anorexia.

She doesn't eat when we go out and has poor self-image.

I'm not making assumptions about her having anorexia because she told me up-front.

I haven't been faced with anything like this, and it hurts me to think that she is unhappy with herself, because I think she is amazing, and all I want for her is happiness.

She's faced some trauma in the past, such as an abusive ex-boyfriend and father.


Thinking about her being unhappy with her body and therefore limiting how much she eats makes me really sad.

I don't want to say anything to her until I've heard from some people who have experience with this, so that I don't make it any worse than it already is.

If anybody has any experience with this I would be very willing to take suggestions.

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