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New Year Cat GIF by chuber channel

What are you leaving behind?
- Hopefully my bachelors degree haha, I'm on my last unit now!!
- I have been learning so, so much about myself recently. Leaving behind my scared old self before I realised I have ADHD. It has been a life changer. 
- Spending so much time on social media, and hopefully I'll compare myself to others less.
- Overworking myself!

What are you hoping to achieve? 
- Maybe my honours degree? We'll see!
- Learning more things about how to manage ADHD, now that I have the tools to do so.
- Learning how to say 'no' to things + not overwork myself.
- I'd love if I could get my license, but there's no immediate rush. Just making a start would mean a lot.
- Going on holidays if/ when I can, and seeing my friends more. Going to more events. Being in the community, I miss it!!

What books/movies/music are you looking forward to reading/watching/listening to? 
Hahah I also have The Body Keeps the Score ready and waiting.
This year I sadly only read about 6 books... I usually have my literature units to keep me reading fast but I finished them. I'd love to make reading/ movie goals so I can plan my time to watch/ read more. I love watching movies and reading books!!
My favourite part is not knowing what books/ movies/ music are coming out so I'm always surprised and happy when something new appears hahaha

What self care/new activity are you hoping to try? 
Haha definitely just being kinder to myself! Like I said I'd love to hang out with friends some more when I can. I also have been meaning to try crochet for a while, and get back into writing stories. For work I want to try and do more public speaking to build my confidence!!

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