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Hi @formismsocks

Thanks so much for sharing this with us, it's great to hear how much you care about your girlfriend and you want to do what you can to support her. Well done for reaching out, sometimes this can be a difficult thing to do in these situations, so you should definitely be proud of yourself.


Have you tried talking to your girlfriend about why she feels like she needs to harm herself? Is there anything in particular that triggers these feelings for her?


We have a really helpful article that goes into explaining self-harm a bit more and how you can be a supportive partner whilst she is going through this. Do you know if your girlfriend is getting support from a doctor or psychologist?


Please make sure to take some time to look after yourself at the moment too. It can be really stressful and upsetting knowing your partner is struggling. How are you feeling about it?


I have also edited your post slightly to remove any specific descriptions of self-harm as this can be triggering to our community members. You can have a read over our guidelines here. Thanks 😊

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