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Feeling Pressured

I am feeling incredibly anxious at the moment, even though it's over such a small thing. 

I just went shopping for sandals (my current ones are breaking) and was pressured by the shop ladies into buying some for $50. That is much more than I usually pay and I hate feeling like I have wasted money. I just felt so pressured and like I couldn't say no. This often happens to me - I am so easily swayed by complete strangers because I am scared of hurting their feelings/offending them. After I bought the sandals I felt so disgusted and angry at myself. I hate that I am so weak and so influenced by other people. Every time this happens I promise myself I won't do it again - but I end up repeating my mistake. It's like I can never break out of this pattern.

Now I can't get that $50 back which I could have used for other, more important things.

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