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Hey @ayrc_1904

Thank you for replying, I started listening to low-fi hip hop music when I am feeling quite overwhelmed by thoughts and I started to write them down too and turn off social media and not talk to anyone for a couple of hours, but instead to focus on myself and well being. I find it really hard to do that since I haven't been able to in the past and I feel stronger as a person being able to now. I am proud of myself for how far I have come in life, especially with so many struggles. I am only human unless I am an alien from another planet for all I know. I will be honest I am enjoying talking to everyone on Reach Out. I find it quite comforting for myself to know there are others out there who can relate to going through similar struggles.

I will step outside for a little bit too, by getting some fresh air and taking a step back from everything.


I feel like I am doing alright for now, but still, there is always something going on.

Thanks 💯

X Files Wow GIF by Reza Zabardast

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