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This is such an important post @Bre-RO !! I was really scared when I was 18 and facing life after school. It's quite a massive transition and we all need support from our peers and trusted advisors to get through it.


I was wondering if I could recommend a resource. headspace have their work and study program and their career mentorship program. They are both free, online/over the phone, and don't need a referral or anything like that. I have used both and they were honestly just phenomenal. My work and study counsellor helped me brainstorm and find a pathway when I had just graduated uni in a full lockdown and had no confidence and no idea where to go with my adult life. My mentor is always cheering for me, and is helping me set career goals and find work/life balance. I think everyone should have great advisors like that and I really recommend people to check it out 🙂

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