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Well I don't really no but I've never been a "social kid" I guess you could say. And I've never really had a proper friend my age. I've got some close friends a year older than me that go to other schools but yeah I don't really get along with people my age probably because I'm mature and they act kinda silly I guess. But than I get along with kids that are way younger than me and I love looking after them and being an "older sister" to them you could say and I've always wanted a younger sibling and loved little babies and kids but always hated the idea of having kids. Sorry that's a bit off topic just thought I'd add it. I don't know why they'd judge me it's just when I told them I chatted to the grade 11s for a day they judged me. 

I just feel like if my parents found out they would tell me to limit my contact with her. Because my brother thinks she's bad for me whereas I think she could really help me. 

Yeah well the thing is I tell my parents that I'm fine as I have great friends where in actual fact I don't really my only friends are basically the girls in year 11. I've never really been a popular kid and never have had many friends whereas my brother was the complete opposite so nobody understood me. 

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