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I'm really glad to hear that you felt a bit better today and that you're going to have a chat to your family on the weekend. 


Your situation resonates a lot with me - I moved to the other side of the world from my family to get away! For me, it was a case of accepting that my family are not going to be the supportive presence in my life that I want them to be. I've found that support, care and love from my friends instead, and it's a much healthier support than my family would've been capable of giving me anyway 🥰


Hopefully though, once you have a chat to your family and explain what your needs are, they will understand and step up 😊 This article has some really awesome tips on how to talk to your family about how you're feeling. Do you have any strategies in place for when you visit in case you find you need some space or if anything upsetting comes up? 

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