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Hey @yohellohi

I wanted to check in to see how you're feeling today?

I am so sorry to hear that your friend attempted suicide, that must have been extremely difficult and upsetting for you to deal with. Especially when you had to keep it a secret. Did your friend's family know about it? Are they doing any better now that they are getting help? It is very understandable that the situation put you in a bad mental state, that is a lot to cope with on your own.


It can be really hard to talk about these situations with people, suicide and depression are big topics and can feel really vulnerable and awkward to bring up. Have you been able to chat to your friend about it at all? We have this article that gives some really good insights on how to support a friend who is suicidal that you might find helpful 😊 BeyondBlue is also has a really great website that has a bunch of information on depression, anxiety & suicide and has online & phone support 24/7 if you or your friend ever needed it.


You've mentioned that you and your friend didn't want to talk about deep emotions because you didn't want to make each other sad. I totally understand that, we tend to steer away from talking about upsetting things so we don't 'ruin the mood' or are worried we're going to make someone feel even worse. Do you think though that if you were able to talk more openly with your friend about how you're feeling, that they might be more likely to share how they are feeling with you too?


Thanks again for reaching out to us, we're always here whenever you want to share how you're feeling ❤️

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