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Super frequent scribe

Hey thanks for replying 


J is at my school but B isn't and I haven't seen him in 120 days but he's still in my mind every day because I lost his as a great friend and it hurts. 

Yes I would like to reconnect with them but don't know how. 

Well when I saw B last at the skate park he was starring  at me and I got up the courage to say hi ----- (name) and he said hi back so I'm glad that he didn't completely ignore me and I believe he was in a rush because he was on his phone and than quickly peddled on his bike away. 

I haven't said hi to J because every time I see him he's with a big group of friends that I'm not comfortable with. 

Thansk again I really appreciate the support on this website. It helps just to talk to someone about it 

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