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Thanks so much for your reply @Bre-RO it really cheered me up. Seems like it is so common for adults (esp AFAB people) to find out they have ADHD later in life, and there are a lot of experiences we all share. There should totally be an irl support group for us so we can all hang out, and talk to each other at 100 miles an hour 😛 It makes me feel better that you get my struggle with routines and daily life stuff. You know, I am learning so much from working with kids. I see how common autism, ADHD, sensory issues, etc are in children, and I know there's no way those traits just magically disappear when they grow up, it's just that we learn coping mechanisms (whether positive or negative) or else we learn to hide it. There is not enough dialogue about these type of neurodivergences in adults. Like, we set up places that are quiet, dim and comfy for students to chill out when they get over-stimulated at school. But no one ever asks me as an adult if I need to go to the chill out room!! (And I do!)


Anyway, where was I going with this? I am hoping to learn to treat myself the way I treat my students. I show them all the love, acceptance and gentleness I can. When they're struggling or not making the best choices, I try to understand why so I can guide them and make it easier for them to make a better choice for their learning and wellbeing. I accept that they might have good days and not-so-good days and their needs and abilities are different every day. And so on and so on... I love my neurodivergent kids but at the same time I stand around berating myself for my neurodivergence all day every day!! 

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