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I was so happy to have come across this post because it just contains so many nuggets of wisdom and you're only 20! I love that you used your lived experience to shape what a meaningful life looks like to you. I'm sorry to hear about your pop, I can only assume he meant a great deal to you. May I ask if it's okay why you didn't grieve? Was it a personal, conscious choice? How did that turn out for you?

Your last paraabout the fine one between selflessness and selfishness really struck me. Like most things in life there is a lot of grey area we must navigate and often forget that the first person who needs help is ourselves before we can do for others. This is soemthing I'm also trying hard to achieve. It's always liberating to be able to find our purpose in life and I can see from your post that you will be doing great things and I'm glad it's becoming clearer everyday. Thank you for sharing a little piece of yourself on this platform and I wish you all the best in I've.

Take care 💜

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