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Hey @Blupee_pen 

First off, I’m so sorry you’ve been treated in such a manner. Nobody deserves that. From your timeline it seems like the behaviour is escalating. I also can’t imagine how hard it must be to work with them as well. You’ve noted this change since November, had anything happened (not that it justifies this behaviour). What you’re describing definitely sounds like a toxic dynamic. Good on you for trying to reach out and talk to them about your concerns! You are wise and compassionate. Are there other relationships you can work on building? Like say with anyone from the group of 10 you originally split from. This whole experience must be so burdensome so how have you been looking after yourself? 
In the meantime you always have a place on here 💜 

I wish you the best and I’d love to know how things turn out. I always have a listening ear ready 😊

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