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Hey guys,

I know everyone has their "go-to" anger release method but we know some can incite the opposite e.g. bottling it in until it erupts. There are a lot of cultural nuances and perspectives to anger. I come from a south-Asian background and expressing anger to your parents or anyone in general is a no no. That's why I've had to work especially hard to cultivate healthy ways to cope with anger. I don't get angry often but when I do I have certain boundaries. Like I don't like to be touched (hugged or petted to calm down) and if it's a sensory overload I walk away and if that isn't feasible I ask to be left alone until I am ready to talk. For me it's been about open communication and it makes me wonder how everyone else deals with anger themselves? Would love to get some stories and responses so we can all learn from each other. Who knows we might even add another skill to our own toolbox! 

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