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Applications to be a volunteer moderator are open now!!

We are so excited to announce that we are opening applications for our Volunteer Moderator program- and we would love to hear from any community members who'd be interested in this role! 


As a volunteer mod, you can build your skills in peer support, contribute to community events and activities, and help to make the online community a space where there's something for everyone reading along 🙂 






You can be based anywhere in Australia,  and we encourage anyone from our community to apply - please feel free to have a chat with us about any accessibility requirements you may have, we want to make our program as diverse and accessible as possible!


If you haven't volunteered with us before, we do ask that you apply to the builder program first- you can do that here 



Here's the details of what the role involves. We're always happy to discuss any of these with you directly - for example, we know that people are often juggling work, study, and other commitments, so we are always happy to be flexible around those when needed. 


The training is online, and has lots of opportunities for you to practice the skills you're learning, and learn from more experienced mods. 


What do Peer Moderators do? 


Peer Moderators work exclusively online on the Forums to keep our online community safe and supportive. They are recruited from the Builder Program and receive training in providing peer support, as well as in basic mental health knowledge, community building, community engagement, leadership and self care.


Experience as a Peer Moderator is excellent for young people who are looking to support others in their communities or considering careers in mental health and wellbeing. ReachOut provides all the skills necessary for Moderators to volunteer in this role.


What’s involved?

  • Talking to other young people about a range of topics and issues you have in common, and offer peer support.
  • Help out with some of the technical and behind the scenes things on the ReachOut Community website.
  • Lead by example and encourage others!
  • Contribute to and lead a range of activities that help the community grow, ensuring there is something for everyone reading along.
  • Maintain wellbeing and self-care when supporting others.

What’s required?

  • Be aged between 18 and 25.
  • Live in Australia.
  • Volunteer as a Community Builder
  • Complete Moderator Training
  • A one-year commitment of two hours per week, including regular participation in community activities.








The link to the form to apply is here.


Applications for this round will close on 28th May 2022, but we will review applications as they come in 🙂 


If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here- or send us an email at


Check out our community activities calendar here
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