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Hey @RoseDavies


Firstly, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad... that must be really tough. I'm sure you're a great support.


I also want to say that I can understand why you still feel worthless despite your efforts especially once you compare yourself to others. I've been there for sure too when I see friends that already have professional jobs. 


But... I want to let you know (and echo what the others have already said) that you are simply amazing. The fact that you are prioritising being with your family, going through hardships whilst doing volunteering and work... just wow. I'm so proud of you and see how resilient you must be. 


Please know something that I also try to remind myself. Everybody is on their own path. It doesn't matter when you start and finish. It doesn't determine 'success' (whatever that word even means). You are on your own life journey and should be so proud of yourself for how you are managing and juggling things. 


When things get hard, what things do you like to do for self-care? 


I hope you're ok ❤️

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