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@Taylor-RO Thank you for saying that! Things are moving pretty quickly in both positive and exhausting ways. It's really nice that I can see a light at the end of the tunnel but I'll do my best until then 😅


That is exactly true. I took on more responsibility for these people than I originally had planned to before I even started studying, knowing how difficult this year would be. One of these people was a client at my job. They really couldn't take no for an answer and constantly put my needs (and my schedule!) second, and then as soon as I couldn't help them they protested that they needed my help anyway. So my time meant nothing but my help was essential? It was honestly baffling! I had a bit of a breakdown and told my work I never wanted to work with them again and they completely understood why. My work has been amazing standing up for me and my friends and family can already see I'm so much happier with that person out of my life. I'm still playing a bit of catch-up emotionally from it while trying to make things a bit easier for my parents. It's slowly looking up- I'm just hoping for more study time but I think I can get into it from today 😊

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