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Missing sadness/depression and updates on medication

Hey everyone. 


It's been a couple of months since I've been on RO. I've been doing okay, I finally got to see a psychiatrist 3 weeks ago and was diagnosed with anxiety. She started me on one medication (an anti-depressant) and the first week was not the best but since then my anxiety has completely gone. It was really cool at first because I managed to make 2 new friends at uni and I was also able to ask someone for directions without feeling like I need to run away. But now I feel like I really miss being sad and I just feel like everything is going too well. I've also managed to find a really good psychologist that my psychiatrist recommended. I've only seen my psych once but I have another session with him on Monday. I didn't feel like taking my meds today so I skipped it. I feel like I'm not supposed to have things so this well for me. I also slept for most of today. I feel exhausted after going to uni 3 days of the week and when Friday comes around (when I don't have uni or work) I just retreat into my bed and sleep for most of the day. 


It took me a long time to work up the courage to try medication but now that it's working I kind of miss being my old me. I miss her. I wish that I would be happy that I'm finally getting better and getting the help that I need.


Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm! 🙂

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