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Hey @Courtney-RO@Eleanor-RO@lemurien I have some good news after having had a very heavy conversation on both sides where we got to say our bit. I think our friendship is going to be okay- I found out that she's been going through a lot of difficult stuff recently (like myself), but she told me that she wants to see me more and that she wants to keep our friendship going. She basically said that she understands that the way she acts makes me question our friendship, it's not intentional but she sometimes blanks on friendships (due to ADHD) and because of that she would rather me tell her so that she can be there for me if I need it. I asked her if she needed some space because of everything going on with her- she asked if she could see me soon because she missed me. We've been chatting back and forth since then and funnily enough I had to say that I needed to study so it's okay for us to continue when we see each other next 😅 For now I'm going to see if I can see her in person more consistently because I feel like that would help to gauge how our friendship is going and maybe would be a better way to manage it overall.


That being said, I think it's very true that friendships change over time and that's something that I need to find ways to address within myself and not just in the other person. I've realised that I value friendships a lot and I find it hard to cope with, hence why I toss back and forth a lot but also why I have a lot of friends. I've realised that I've been pretty lonely recently because a lot of friends have started working full-time, and then a couple of my other friends live far away so I don't see them frequently. I think I need to find ways to keep myself occupied but it's been hard with everything going on to not want to have someone lift my energy for me.

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