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Hey @Almond_Quokka
Im really glad that you shared what youre currently going through. Sounds like youre in the thick of it at the moment, so no wonder youre feeling the way you are.


We all need support and someone we can trust to share how we are really feeling, especially when things are rough for us, so when your friend talks about themselves most of the time when you see them, that must feel very one sided. I so get how you would feel even loneliner then.

I dont think theres anything wrong with you not feeling comfortable being 100% vulnerable in front of others, this is very normal. We can worry about their judgement of us.


But im wondering whether you not fully opening up even to close friends or family, may mean that the other person does not realise you are struggling as much as you are, and maybe they see you as managing well enough, even though youre not.

What do you think someone might say to you if you did share with them how youre genuinely feeling in the moment? What do you think is the best thing that could happen?


Some people feel alot more comfortable sharing something personal with someone they dont know. So maybe if would also be a good idea if you contacted a supportline like KidsHelpline to talk about whats happening for you. They are a great support and are completely free on 1800 551 800.

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