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Thank you @MAYC-RO
I appreciate the replies as this a very big step for me. 
Yes, I feel ‘safe’ with my family. My parents love me I know but it still nerve wreaking. 
@Anzelmo I know their stance with the Community. My mother and I are proud Allies I believe as we always talk and watch Rupaul and LGBTQIA+ movies and shows, but she doesn’t believe in labels or pronouns. Finds them unnecessary and attention seeking. My father is more closed off but I know deep down he wouldn’t care. 

it’s just I don’t think they’ll ‘believe’ me if I tell them I’m not a women. I don’t like feminine things but my anxiety and low self-esteem is often confused with being coy or shy. I know if I were more confident I would be doing more things and presenting more masculine. 

thank you for the replies. I have seeked advice from QLife and it has helped but I felt a different medium might help better. As well as push my comfort zone with my social anxiety. 

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