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Hey @SmilingSun


So sorry to hear you've been treated so poorly by your past classmates. I hope your new class is better for you. How is it with them? 


Nobody deserves to be treated like that for any reason, and you definitely don't deserve to be made to feel that way about yourself. You mentioned skipping breakfast to work on your appearance in hopes that it would make the situation better. Although I can see how incredibly difficult it must be, please remember to look after your health and wellbeing first. You need energy and food is your fuel for the day 🥪


I also have anxiety and definitely can be a people-pleaser. BUT I'm getting better at changing my mindset. I'm really lucky to have support from my partner for example. He's a lot more carefree than me and sometimes he'll tell me to skip around with him or sing loudly or dance if I feel happy or just feel like it when we're out in public. I still get nervous about other people's reactions but it's genuinely so fun to just let loose and know you'll probably never see these people again anyway. These kinds of things are helping me to slowly stop worrying about what other people think of me. 


Maybe you could also try writing down one thing you like about yourself whenever you're feeling down. Some people are honestly just mean or projecting their own sadness and hurt onto others. Those people's opinions of you don't matter. Your opinion of you does. So maybe you could try this out? Sounds a bit cheesy but self affirmations can actually help! The words you say out loud can be really powerful and help you to change your mindset. 


I hope you're feeling ok. Please look after yourself and if you aren't already, maybe you could talk to a counsellor or psychologist for professional help too. Thank you for reaching out here and feel free to rant about anything any time ❤️

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