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Hey @fespa1 and thank you for being brave and sharing with us today! I know how hard it can be to reach out so I just want to say well done on taking this step. 

I'm sorry to hear that things have been really tough at home lately and also that your not able to talk to the boy that you like. That sounds like such a confusing and frustrating situation to be in, especially as you don't feel like you can talk to your best friend right now. You mentioned that you talked to your sister about this and she mentioned that it could be awkward if you suddenly wanted to be his friend. I am wondering if your sister might be able to help you come up with a way to reconnect with him? Do you think this is something that she might help you with, even if its not right away?

I also want to say that School counsellors are there to support you. Whether its something minor or something major, nothing is a waste of their time as they just want to make sure that you're okay. In saying that, I know how horrible loneliness can be, so if you don't feel up for talking to the school counsellor, is there someone else you might feel more comfortable talking to?

I also just want to remind you that you're not alone and we're all here for you 💜

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