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Super frequent scribe

Hello @Bre-RO 



Thank you for the reply. I have talked about it with a GP when I was like 11 and had medication for it previously but I didn’t like the side effects so I stopped taking them. 
but I would like to see a psychologist for a number of reasons.

Especially will being able to come out to my family and be more confident. I’ve been trying to get into University but am having trouble with the online applications and really want my parents help but they’ll see that I’ve enrolled under half of my name (Lee) and left my gender unspecified so I’m worried about that conversation. The last time my mum caught me using Lee, she said I was trying to be cool and going through some phase. She felt it was unprofessional. It makes me really nervous about University and my future. 
A lot of times I wish so badly I was placed on this earth in another body, but we can’t do that so I’m trying to made do with my own.


off topic oops, thanks for the link but it didn’t seem to work otherwise I would check it out.

The exams are a little worrisome. Mostly the kids around me and teachers walking around staring at your Every move. Like today, I was writing an essay and my hand hurt so I started writing in my left hand (sorta non-dominant hand) and the supervisor kept asking if I was left handed like they didn’t believe me. I told them no so they started drilling me on why I’m writing in my left hand. It made me very uncomfortable and made me question whether to keep writing in left hand or right hand when they came past, thus I couldn’t concentrate on the actual exam question. Ugh, so it was interesting.


I appreciate all the advice and responses so thank you.

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