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Hey @Melon_Panther and a big welcome to the online community!


I can completely understand your study fatigue and lack of motivation. The HSC is a really long year, and unfortunately, they put the exams right at the end of the year after you've spent 9-10 months already working hard and studying your butt off. It's no wonder you're feeling a little burnt out!


It might seem counterintuitive, but sometimes taking a break and not thinking about study for a few days can be really restorative. Have you made much time for breaks and fun lately? It might be helpful to use fun activities as a reward for studying (e.g. if I finish this practice paper, I'm going to go have dinner with a friend, or watch the next episode of that Netflix series). That way, if you can't find motivation in the 'big picture' sense, you can work towards your next break or chance to rest, which gives you a bit more instant gratification.


It's fantastic that you have a goal that you're working towards, because connecting with your vision for the future can be really motivating. With that being said, I also understand how knowing what uni course you want to get into can also add a bit of pressure, because the idea of not reaching that goal can be pretty stressful. What's your plan for after school?


If you're up for a bit of reading, we have some cool resources about getting and staying motivated as well some tips for study success and study hacks. 


I also want to reassure you that you're definitely not alone in feeling this way! The HSC year is stressful and exhausting, so don't be too hard on yourself for not being full of energy at this stage. I see the HSC like a marathon - you probably won't be bursting with motivation by the time you reach the home stretch, but if you keep putting one foot in front of the other, you'll cross the finish line 😁🥰

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