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Hi @Daffodil_Moose  for me it took a lot longer to figure out my romantic orientation i keept trying to find what romantic attraction felt like and trying to identify it but lol that was probably because it turns out i dont experience romantic attraction at all which is part of how i came to the conclusion i was aromantic as well. then one day i stumbled on the term oriented aroace and that made a lot more sense and kind of completed the picture for me so for me i fully identify as a lesbian oriented aroace which just means that i feel other non sexual and non romantic forms of attraction towards women. for me that means platonic and aesthetic attraction. it can be so hard to figure all this stuff out and it really took me a long time but i would encourage you to keep digging and exploring and i think one day if you find the right lable you will just kind of know if fits or that was how it felt for me anyway. 

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