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Thank you @Blueberries and @Dem--RO for your kind words and support! I really appreciate it and am glad that it is not all in my head and that other people think my sister's action are not okay.

In terms of what is causing her to act this way - yes she does have anxiety and is recovering from an eating disorder, however, I honestly (and I know this seems harsh) think to some extent it is just a part of who she is. She has always been extremely competitive and jealous. She often expects other people to do things for her and give her things, without thinking about what it costs that person. And when she gets angry or stressed (which is often), she takes it out on every one around her and yells, blames, and insults them. 

And even if her actions are a coping mechanism, quite frankly, I am sick of being her punching-bag.

I honestly find her very draining to be around, and feel she is a pretty toxic person.Therefore, I usually try to limit how much time I spend with her. But because she lives with my mum, it makes it hard to spend time just with my mum without triggering some sort of outburst from her. 

To answer your other question - yes, my mum (and dad) have tried to explain to my sister that I need some alone time just with her, however, my sister simply doesn't care and still throws tanrums every single time. 

A part of me really wants to cut all ties from her and never see her again, as harsh as that sounds. I just honestly feel like I am happier when she is not in my life.


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