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Ahhh @Jardin that makes sense that the course isn't offered online! I don't know a huge amount about the field, but I think it is really, really awesome that you are going into something that will have such a positive impact on people and significantly improve their lives. It looks very intrinsically rewarding as well as having some good employment opportunities. I know you had previously mentioned a gap year, have you looked into any of the working holiday programs and checked if can practice speech pathology overseas once you've completed your degree?


You're right about the lockdowns, they took a huge toll on a lot of people, so you are definitely not alone in that feeling 🤗 I'm glad that you have some friends and a therapist to connect with (I did ask you this in your other post, so you can now disregard 😊)


It's also really good that you are identifying when you are feeling like you are sliding back, and being proactive with your mental health. If you're interested in more self-care tips, here is a general overview of some self-care stuff 🌻

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