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Hey @Samm I'm so glad you've reached out to us to get some support with what you're going through at the moment, it sounds like such a challenging situation to be in. I can hear just how tired and overwhelmed you are. From changes in medication, different psychiatrists and anxiety, it's A LOT! It can be really hard finding the right kind of supports, so I just want to say well done for not giving up, despite how discouraging it is to be let go from certain health professionals.

I'm also really glad to hear that you felt comfortable opening up to your GP and sharing how you feel about your anxiety and medication side effects with him. That sounds like it would have made things even just a touch easier. How do you feel after opening up to him about all of this?

I know you already have lots to read through, but as you mentioned panic disorder and having panic attacks, I wanted to share some other helpful articles that might be able to give you some ideas on things that you can do to help manage them. We have a great article on Panic Attacks and what you can do to manage them, Ways you can relax and also Looking after yourself. Do you think these might be able to help at all? 

I was also wondering what other supports you have around you right now. Is there anyone else you might feel comfortable sharing how you're feeling with? Sometimes it can be really helpful to have someone close by for when you do feel that panic coming in. If you do ever want to talk to someone about this, KidsHelpline is always available via phone and webchat. I wonder if they might also be able to help you manage some of your anxiety too. 

I just want to remind you that you're not alone and we're all here to support you 💜

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