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Hi @Mandu_05,


I'm so incredibly sorry that you feel stuck in this situation right now, and it's absolutely unacceptable that this person slapped you. What was the well-being teachers response when you told them what has been going on?


You have demonstrated an enormous amount of patience towards a group of people that don't seem to appreciate your friendship, and I reiterate Anzelmo's comments that you are deserving of finding a genuine friendship group. You could meet new people through uni, or volunteer work, or if you have a hobby that has local get-togethers over the summer 🌞


How are you feeling about the up-coming exams, considering the added stress that these people are putting on you?


Please remember to prioritise taking care of yourself, and reach out for support whenever you need it - We are here to help get you over the finish line with your exams 💜💛


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