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Hello friends! Reviving this thread for tonight's Weekly Wellbeing 😀


Cat Meditation GIF


1. Lately, I've been mindfully brushing my teeth. I know it sounds odd, but I've been trying to make sure that I brush each and every tooth front and back, and some mornings/evenings I focus on particular parts of my mouth. It's a nice way to wind down in the evening AND it's good for my oral hygiene. My dentist is going to be so proud 🤣


2. I've tried meditation before, and actually used to do it every day for about 3 years. At first, I knew nothing about how to meditate, so I used some guided meditations from the Headspace app. It was great! They took me through some different techniques for meditating, like noting - where you acknowledge when your mind wanders to other thoughts/worries while you're meditating (which it inevitably will). Doing these guided meditations helped me to realise that I wasn't doing meditation 'wrong' if my mind wandered sometimes, and that losing focus is a natural part of the process. You don't need to meditate perfectly for it to have an impact!

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