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Hey @Jardin, it's really nice to hear from you 😊 How have you been?


Thank you for sharing a little bit about what's been going on for you. I'm sorry to hear that you have been experiencing this. That sounds really challenging and I can only imagine how frustrating it must be. I am sure you're not alone in feeling this way though. While it does sound like an incredibly difficult thing to manage, it sounds like you have some really great strategies in place for when it happens. Have you been able to find anything else that helps to calm you down afterwards?


Have you been able to share these thoughts with anyone else at all? I am wondering if maybe a GP or another health professional might have some other suggestions on things you could try too. Is that something you might be interested in doing? I also just want to remind you that Kidshelpline is always available if you would like someone to talk to as well


We're all here for you💜

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