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Hi @Lilac_Squid and welcome to the online community! It is so lovely to have you join us here 👋


I want to start off by saying that everyone deserves to feel safe and like they belong, no matter how they identify, especially when it comes to using the bathroom. So I'm really sorry to hear that you don't feel this way. No one should ever have to feel like they are not welcome to use the bathroom or like they have to hurry and leave. I can only imagine how hurtful, tiring and just stressful this must be for you. You mentioned that you have had conversations with people, so I am just wondering if you were able to express these concerns with anyone? 


I am also mindful of the impact this must be having on you and wonder what supports you have around you right now? If you ever feel like you would like to talk to someone about this, QLife is a really great support service aimed at supporting LGBTI.


I just want to say that you are always welcome here and we love having you as part of our community 💜

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