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Super frequent scribe

Hey Axel


Welcome to our online community. Im really glad that youve shared this with us because youre certainly not alone in wanting to figure your identity. And it takes alot of courage, so good on you for reaching out.


Sounds like there are times where you do feel like you know who you are and then there are other times when youre really confused. I think its completely normal to feel confused and to question what others are saying, even what you are saying to yourself. This is part of our development and being human, even though I know it can really suck when we feel lost.


Im wondering if youve been able to share all of this with someone you trust at all such as a friend or family member. If not, what do you think is holding you back? What do you think would help allow you to share this with someone close to you? Sometimes we can just feel more comfortable talking with someone we dont know. Q Life are a fantastic supportline that you can also reach out to for support both via webchat or phone on 1800 184 527.  


And in case you havent already, there are some great articles on gender identity here to check out.


We are here with you.


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