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Hi @NR2045

I'm so sorry to hear how difficult things have been this morning. I can't imagine what it must be like to experience this for years. It’s great that you’ve been able to reach out for support today by making this post. Feeling alone and like you've got a dark and twisted side of you would be quite confronting and upsetting to say the least. Is there anything that helps make these moments a little more bearable?


I know you mention wanting people to realise that you're not okay. Is there anyone who knows that you feel this way? Whether that’s a friend, a family member, a teacher or a mental health professional? I want you to know that if you're ever needing someone to chat to, we have a service called PeerChat but there's also Lifeline (13 11 14) which is available 24/7. 

I'll be sending you an email if you don't mind keeping an eye out for that.

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