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Any time it the subject comes up on the news or somehting they always make rude comments about it, especially my mum. She'll say things like "non-binary isn't a real thing, it's just poeple looking for attention" or "using they/them pronouns is rediculous and isn't grammatically correct". And it isn't just regarding non-binary people, it's just trans people as a whole. She says that anyone under 20 can't say there trans because their too young to know these things about themselves, but then if someone over 20 comes out she'll say that if they really are trans, they should have come out sooner. We've lots of arguments about it. I have a trans friend, and my mum met him before he transitioned, and he came over once and I told her the name he goes by now and to use he/him pronouns and she said ok, but then as soon as he come over, she started deadnaming and misgendering him. It was really bad, and I ended up calling his parents and telling them to come pick him up because he was getting really upset by it, he hasn't come back over since. 

There's also the fact that she is quite homophobic. Not in a really obvious way, but if you pay attention you can see it. I came out as bi about 4 years ago, as she said that I was too young to know these types of things, and that I was just saying it because being gay was the "new in-thing", I did believe her at first, but then I came out as bi again 2 years later, to both mum and dad. Dad was chill with it, he acknowledges the fact that I'm not straight, asks if i have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet, but mum pulls a face whenever it's brought up, and just sort of ignores it. I mentioned that our city was having it's first pride parade the other year, and she said it was ridiculous the fact the fact the we have a whole month to celebrate, when other more important occasions only have one day (like ANZAC day). 

It's a bit of a mess honestly. Logically with all of this I know that I probably shouldn't mention anything to her, but she is my mother. She has always been the one that I go to if I ever need help, and I really want to share this with her, but I know that it would probably end badly. I don't think she would ever kick me out, but I know she would try to convince me I'm wrong, and she has already told me that if I ever ask her to use they/them pronouns for me she wouldn't. I honestly don't know what dad would do. He might side with mum, just as a show of solidarity, but I would like to think that he would atleast listen to what I have to say before shutting me down. My younger brother would be the most likely to try to believe me. He probably won't really understand very well, because it isn't spoken about much, but he would try. I just don't want to have to tell him, this is a realy big thing, and as the older sibling I have a responsibilty to put him first, and I really don't want to have to make him choose between me or our parents, or put him in the middle of whatever fight could come out of this mess.

So that's my not-so little info dump. It's a lot sorry, I haven't really had anyone to talk to about this, so I sorta went overboard.  

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