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BusterBusterBuster and CodyBuster and CodyCodyCody


These are my doggies! (I've also had a budgie, but that's not the same)

Buddy is the first one, he sadly died in 2020. He was a beaglier 😞

But now we have Cody and Buster! Cody is almost 3 years old, and Buster is around 10 months. Cody is a beaglier, and Buster is a beaglier crossed with a cavoodle. They are half brothers.


loop love GIF by darkbean

My dogs are very good for my mental health. They make me smile and laugh. They are soothing to pat (when they sit still lol) and feel nice when they lie on my lap or let me full-on hug them. They actually make my heart melt when I just look at them. They're my babies 🥰

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