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Frequent scribe

That sounds super hard and I'm really sorry you're friends have been implying invalidating things like that but your identity is something you know about yourself and your friend can't decide that for you, feeling like you're an impostor is super hard but it definitely sounds like your friend is wrong and you definitely deserve validation and your friends to believe you when you tell them how you identify. If it changes ever to anything else after you learn more about yourself that doesn't mean you were ever faking anything you are omni if you identify as it and it isn't up to your friend to say any different. If you want to keep being friends definitely tell them that what they're saying is wrong and hurtful and if they don't stop I wouldn't suggest staying around that person. I hope this helps and I'm so glad you have a great boyfriend you deserve people around you to support you, you are not confused you know yourself and your identity better than anyone. 

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