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Hey @Lee101 


I can hear your disappointment and frustration in not feeling able/allowed to be you.  


From my knowledge most universities have some form of confidential counselling. They may have some really good suggestions on how to present the way you want/how to talk to your mum. The club suggestion from Greenfern is a really good one. Finding a group of people that you know see you as you matters and can make a huge difference. Coming out is just generally hard and annoying. It was very frustrating coming out repeatedly to my mum before she eventually accepted it . I don't know if this is helpful for you but I try to remember that this is my life and so long as I am not doing morally objectional things, I'm doing good. You're happiness comes first and most of the time parents eventually hop on board when they see the euphoria/see how bad the dysphoria is. You're doing a really hard thing so go you! 


I found that getting a bunch of more masculine clothing made me feel better. And honestly if you're trying to present masc, most of the time strangers just read you as a young boy and not a girl. There are some voice exercise that can be helpful in lowering your voice, just be really careful so you can avoiding straining anything. As for coming out, I found that being as direct as possible and stating how important this is to me to be the best way. It can also help to explain how you feel in a way that they would relate to. For example if they don't like wearing dresses, saying something like "it feels like if you were forced to wear a dress and be with a bunch of people who you think are judging you." 


Best of luck!

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