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HI there @helpmepls ,


Thank you for posting and trusting the community with your story. Your honesty shines through in that you recognise what you did and how it may have caused hurt, and you have also been able to reflect on your actions in order to become a better person. This is commendable. 


It is understandable that the element of guilt still lingers. We read that you are 'pretty much over it now' and have vowed to become a better person. Is this enough to help you move forward? Do you think 'Jerry' also has the same commitment as you do? It is so important that relationships are built on trust from both sides. It doesn't mean things will always be rosy (as you have experienced), however, what you have said in being open in communication is vital.


It would be good to have this conversation with 'Jerry'. Unfortunately, we cannot turn back time and change things. So the only thing left is to stay where you are or to move forward. 


What do you feel you can do at this point? Would you like to move forward? And would 'Jerry' like to move forward?

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