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Hello @my_melody !

I have just read your post and it's come to my attention that I too have similar experiences with anxiety that may perhaps assist you with coping through it.


First of all,it sounds great that you are considering face to face therapy as it definitely helped with coping with anxiety disorders in my experience. In face to face therapy, the psychologist gives you are range of breathing technqiues, calming techniques and imagery to cope with the anxiety.


I truly recommend going to see a psychologist for anxiety disorders as it not only allows you to practice being comfortable with a stranger in a unfamiliar setting, it is also a great way to learn more about useful techniques that could assist with calming down and getting those anxiety disorders under control. Additionally, you may ask the psychologist for any recommendations for medications to help control the anxiety disorders which your GP could perhaps prescribe to you.


In addition to going for a face to face therapy, I have also taken my dose of medications.But I do have to say, based on my personal experience, the breathing techniques actually helped a lot!😄 There are some techniques here  that may prove useful for you.


Writing a diary and going on walks when there is no one around also helped a lot as it encouraged me to get into the routine of finding stressfree methods to relieve my anxiety and adding that into my daily routine.Most importantly, it requires lots of practice in using the breathings techniques.Up until now, I still haven't gotten completely a hold over my anxiety disorders, but I have improved a lot due to keeping a habit of writing a diary, going to face to face therapies and using the breathing techniques once in a while.😊


Hopeful these techniques will help you out with coping!Anixety is very hard to cope with but it's possible for us to get a hold of it once we find a useful technique suitable for us in addition to having an emotional support to relieve us of our burdens and to identify what is going on with ourselves.


Hopefully things improve with time.😊


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