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I think in a way it has to do with being judged by others and feeling disconnected from the people around me I'm the only one in my family who's autistic so a lot of it also has to do with feeling like I'm unable to relate with my family in any ways and I've been starting to feel depressed with feelings of often times feeling an outsider looking in because I feel like they can't really relate to the autistic side of me and feeling like in order to even try and relate with them I'm having to feel like I have to hide the autistic side of me sometimes and it's been leaving me feeling really isolated and alone.


how do you find ways of coping with depression when your battling with your inner self and your feeling lost and alone ? I haven't tried seeing a psychologist or a therapist about how I've been feeling but is that something you would recommend as well? I'm at the stage where I'm 20 and slowly trying to gain my independence but not knowing how my parents would react if I told them I wanted to start seeing a psychologist or therapist on my own my mums been with me through every medical appointment I've ever been to but now that I'm trying to gain my independence I don't know how I would go about telling them that I want to start taking more charge of my health knowing I would be able to open up more if my parents weren't always there. I have been having low mood swings for a while now and I've been trying to find grounding points to help clear my head but are there grounding points you can suggest that you think would be really helpful?

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