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Hi there! Welcome to the community, and thank you for opening up about your recent experiences. 


I'm really sorry to hear about the tough times you've had at school lately. It's never easy to feel excluded or misunderstood, especially when you've taken responsibility for your actions and genuinely apologised. Try to remember that everyone makes mistakes, and what matters is how we learn and grow from them.


It's completely understandable that the whole situation has left you feeling upset and unhappy with yourself. Experiencing exclusion and isolation can often lead us to question ourselves and feel like we are to blame. I know it can be hard at times, but try to be kind to yourself. You are more than the mistakes you've made and your worth as a person goes far beyond any negative perceptions others may hold. It's important to surround yourself with people who appreciate your growth and efforts to make amends.


I'm glad to hear that you've found two new friends to sit with. Having supportive and understanding friends can make a world of difference in how you navigate school and how you perceive yourself. Have you talked to these friends about how you're feeling? 

In reflecting on your past friendships, this friendship test might help, as well as this article on dealing with friendships that make you feel a bit crap.


Take care, and know that reachout community is here for you😊

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