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Hi there, your story reminds me of my highschool experience with my old phone. 


So I've always been a samsung user. I like it and also because an iphone is really expansive. Plus, I don't really really trust myself in taking care of it since I am pretty clumsy.


I used to use a decent smasung phone that was gifted to me. Unfortunately, due to my clumsiness, I accidently dropped my phone. It dropped in a way that it did a bounce and slid across hitting against the wall. I still remember the day clearly. I was in a rush and was holding alot of things in my hands- including my phone.


When I turned on my phone again there was only a green line running across it but the after afew hours the whole screen blacked out. Repairing it whoul dhave costed another $2-300.00 and so we decided that I could use a temporary phone until the next phone (which would be bought by my parents since I wasn't working). 


I felt so guilty...and bad for my broken phone and so I was okay with using a temporray phone. It was a really old model of an android phone. I don't even remember which type of phone it was but it was those small cheap phones that was for normal calls and messages. I remember how sometimes it would even freeze if I was using any app..😄


I get what you mean about being insecure about your phone because the people around you have the latest phones. It was something that I was insecure of as well-especilly during exams. 


During our we would have to put our phones in the front of the classroom near the teacher's desk. It would be a bit embarrasing for me to put my phone since it would be the only old fashioned granny type phone...


Now when I look back, it makes me feel that I was too focused on an unimportant detail. I understand we all have this desire to fit in avoid being the odd one out, but don't let it get to you too much. 


The world has become really materialistic and I do agree on your comment about youger people having iphones. It does make you stop and think about how things are changing. And it's scary because a kid with an iphone and access to platforms such as TikTok means that their psychological development could be significantly be impacted. 


I agree with @Chloe-RO's advise about online jobs and buying your own phone. If you are thinking of buying a new phone then that is surely one good reasonable way. You can save up money and get work experience at the same time.


Take care and remember not to let it get to you too much. The model of your phone does not define who you are...


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