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Hi @Kiki-sheepy

Thank you so much for sharing this with us, I know taking that first step of letting someone know what's happening in your relationship can be really scary, but you've done so well to reach out for support with this. We're here for you and you don't need to cope with this all on your own ❤️ Sometimes after sharing this kind of thing it can make you feel quite drained, so be sure to be gentle with yourself today and maybe do some self-care, whatever that looks like for you 🥰


I can completely understand why you would be feeling confused and overwhelmed. When someone we love doesn't treat us respectfully or with care, it can be so difficult to seperate our feelings of love for them, from our gut telling us their behaviour isn't ok. Sometimes it can help to try and step back from the situation, I'm wondering if a friend came to you and told you they were experiencing something similar in their relationship - what advice would you give them?


I imagine the threats your partner made to harm himself when you broke up would've been extremely distressing for you. You definitely did the right thing contacting his mum and letting her know what was happening. Well done for being really brave in that moment. These kinds of behaviours from your partner are types of emotional abuse, we have more information on what that means here. Do you feel like you relate to what the article talks about?


We're also going to send you an email, so look out for that coming your way soon ❤️

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