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Hi @Adviceplease

I'm so sorry this happened. It is very painful to deal with a such a betrayal of trust especially since it was so sudden and there's so many things to think about. I really hope you're being kind to yourself today in whatever way you can💖


Do you have any close friends who didn't go on the trip/doesn't know him that you feel comfortable confiding in? I understand that you might be dealing with some overwhelming and conflicting feelings. It might be helpful to have an objective third person who you can talk to, especially to clarify your thoughts. If not, we're always here to listen 💛 


As this was so recent, I think it might be good idea to take some time to take care of yourself over the next few days before coming to any strict decisions about whether to stay with him or go to asia. When you're in a better headspace consider: is this something you can forgive him for or is it a dealbreaker? What was the rest of the relationship like? What were the circumstances surrounding it? 


I know it feels like a lot at the moment, but you don't have to face it all at once. Take your time, and know that no matter what you are deserving of kindness and care. 



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