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Hey @Livvy_Gold 

I just wanted to jump in after reading your post.

I am really glad that you felt comfortable sharing this with us and we hope you know that this is a safe space to have these conversations.

You mentioned that you are feeling confused about your sexuality which is very normal and it is okay to be feeling this way! Your sexuality is yours and is unique to you, and there’s no pressure to have a definitive label. Identity and sexuality is fluid and is something that can change at any time and it doesn’t make what you are feeling, or have felt in the past any less real.

It’s important to know that being bisexual looks different for everyone and it doesn’t have to always be equal. You could like both ice cream and pizza, but maybe you like pizza more. That doesn’t mean that you don’t also like ice cream or that because you like pizza you can’t also like ice cream. Your preferences are unique to you, just the same as your sexuality is unique to you.

I wanted to share this article with you which I thought you might find helpful to have a look through and might give you some more clarity around what you are feeling. The article also includes some other resources and supports that you can also explore.

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