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Hey @Red_Flamingo

No worries!

Sometimes it can be hard to feel proud of ourselves with everything going on which is why it can be helpful to take a step back and think about all the things that you have achieved or gotten through because all these little things add up!

Relying on people is something that we all do and it makes us human. It is okay (and very important) that we use our supports to help us get through things. It doesn’t mean that we aren’t strong or take away from who we are. In fact, asking for help and using supports isn’t an easy thing to do and that in itself is a sign of strength. We know that you have been through a lot and know just how strong and resilient you are.

I hope the resources are helpful for you and can give you some guidance around what to do. It is important that you are treated fairly at work and it should be a place that you feel safe and respected.

It’s good to hear that you will be seeing her more often and will have that consistent support.

Enjoy dinner and make sure to be kind to yourself and take care of yourself tonight. Do you think you could watch a movie/ TV show or even read a book after dinner? Remember that If you start to feel worse tonight or are needing some more support, that you can reach out to KHL or use your safety plan.

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